Rental Agreement
The Center for Media Ministry at Walla Walla University provides a collaborative production and post production space as well as video equipment loans. One of the many goals of this facility is to encourage a collaborative culture of creating compelling visual content.
Alumni and community members must fill out and sign the rental agreement contract to rent and use the studio space and film equipment. By signing, the renter agrees to follow all department rules and policies. Therefore, it is the renter’s responsibility to read and understand these policies.
Hours of Operation
- Hours of operations change each quarter, please email Matt Webster (email below) for hours.
- The facility is closed Friday night sunset to Saturday night Sunset.
Student workers and the Director of Studio Operations are available for assistance with any equipment operational issues or problems that may occur during the time of a renter's loan. You can find student worker contact info and schedule posted on the Studio door or you can email Matt Webster: (CTC 123).
General Lending Procedures
Currently enrolled students in a Film & Digital Communication course have first priority to check-out equipment. Film & Digital Communication majors and minors have second priority when the equipment is not in use by students in a course. All other borrowers will need permission from the Director of Studio Operations. In addition, borrowers will be required to sign this document and agree to any rental fees. (See Rental Fees)
Borrowers are required to
- Checkout equipment only when a student worker, or manager is available.
- Inspect equipment to verify that it is working before leaving the facility.
- Be mindful of how the equipment is packed and return it the same way.
- Immediately report anything unusual, i.e. missing pieces, extra pieces, or something not working properly.
- Return all equipment in proper condition and on time. Turning in damaged equipment or returning equipment late will result in a fee.
If a problem occurs with the equipment during shooting:
Make a note of the equipment and cite the nature of the problem in as much detail as possible and email the Director of studio operations:
Please do not attempt any repairs. Doing so may result in financial liability.
Check-Out Periods
The department checks-out equipment for a 2-day weekday rental period or for a 3-day weekend rental period. Please request equipment 24 hours in advance from check-out period. Reservations made under 24 hours will result in a fee and does not guarantee equipment to be ready. Equipment and Facility extensions are available, but not guaranteed. Borrowers must return equipment at the specified return time and date. Please refer back to hours of operation. To reserve equipment, please create an account.
Extensions are to be requested 24 hours in advance of the rental due date. Approving extensions is at the discretion of the worker on shift who is authorized to rent out the equipment. An extension will not be provided if there are other borrowers waiting for the rented equipment.
When the equipment is returned, the check-out manager will verify that all pieces are accounted for. For any items (i.e., lens caps, batteries, etc.) that are found to be missing, the borrower will have 48 hours, at most, to find and return it. Items that are not returned within the 48-hour period will be deemed lost or stolen and the borrower will be required to replace it.
Late Fees
Borrowers are responsible for returning their film equipment on time. Due to borrowers being able to select the time to return their gear from the available hours on the checkout website, if an extension is not communicated with the Equipment TA or the Director of Studio Operations, and the equipment is returned late, there will be a fee applied per offense (see below). Students will be unable to reserve or checkout gear to complete their coursework until the late fees are paid with the accounting office.
- Reservation Under 24 Hours: $40
- Reservation check-in unaccompanied: $40
- Unaccompanied checked out gear left in studio: $60
- Late Check-in: $60
- Second Offense Late Check-in: $100
- Third Offense Late Check-in: $150 and loss of checkout privileges
- Damaged Gear not reported: $100 and cost of repair up to $500
Rental Fees
Students and Alumni who are using the facilities (Studio + Computers) for personal projects will not be charged. If a current Film, TV & Media student is using the facilities or equipment for an outside-paid project, they will be charged the student rental rate for gear and facilities. WWU Students, Alumni and Community members who want to rent the studio and/or equipment will need to contact Matt Webster, Director of Studio Operations for approval. Items can be rented by alumni, current WWU students and non-student community members if equipment is not currently in use or reserved by students. (Please see rental rates below.)
Damaged, Lost or Stolen Equipment
If damage or loss occurs, report it immediately to:
Matt Webster, Director of Studio Operations: (509) 527-2688
Jerry Hartman, Film Professor: (509) 527-2300
Lynelle Ellis, Digital Communication Professor: (509) 527-2843
To help prevent damage or loss from occurring, never leave equipment unattended and keep equipment out of rain and extreme temperatures.
Borrowers will be held financially responsible for replacement costs of lost or damaged equipment up to $250 (insurance deductible price). If the equipment is stolen and there is a police report, the deductible could be waived, but there is no guarantee.
The facilities available for use are the studio, audio room and edit bays. They can be reserved separately or together. To make a reservation, please contact Matt Webster, Director of Studio Operations. See contact info under Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Equipment.
Priority for studio or audio room reservations is as follows
- 1st Priority: current students enrolled in a Film & Digital Communication Course
- 2nd Priority: current Visual Arts & Communication Students
- 3rd Priority: current WWU Students & ASWWU Video
- 4th Priority: Alumni and community members.